
Career and LifeWhy in Bulgaria

Ondaatje Theatre of the Royal Geographical Society (1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR’)
We would like to invite you to our first overseas event of the year, titled "London: Career and Life - Why in Bulgaria?". The event is scheduled to be held on April 02nd at the Ondaatje Theatre of the Royal Geographical Society (1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR’)We are honored to have the presence of our founders, Ivan Hristov and Andrey Arnaoudov, alongside the inaugural speech by Prince Kyril of Saxe-Coburg. The event will feature illustrious speakers such as the celebrated Hollywood actor Dimitar Marinov and the acclaimed football star Dimitar Berbatov.This occasion provides an excellent opportunity to interact with company representatives, who will elaborate on the career prospects they offer. We anticipate a significant footfall of over 1,000 visitors, and the quarry area will be open throughout the event.The event has received the general sponsorship of "Asarel Medet" AD, with additional support from "HCL Tech" and "Kaufland Bulgaria." Furthermore, we are fortunate to have the media support of „” and an exclusive media partnership with "bTV Media Group."We urge you to register without delay as the places are limited. We look forward to your presence at the event.
With the support of
  • kaufland_logo_02
  • Bulgaria Wants You - Асарел-Медет
Exhibiting employers
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  • dxc
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  • Bulgaria Wants You - Асарел-Медет
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  • hitachi
  • Ново_лого_Калинел
  • Playtech_Logo
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  • Dronamics company logo
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