Who wants you

Municipality of Stara Zagora

107 Tsar Simeon Veliki Blvd., Stara Zagora


Municipality of Stara Zagora

Municipality of Stara Zagora is located in Southern Bulgaria. Covering an area of 1063,418 km², it is the 7th largest municipality in terms of space and the 6th largest municipality in terms of population in the country. Stara Zagora is one of the most ancient cities in Europe. Yet during the Neolithic age (7th – 6th millennial B.C.), the favorable climate and geographical conditions stimulate the appearance of the first human settlements, linked to the development of the agriculture and livestock breeding. The municipality is a strategic center of Bulgaria and the Balkan peninsula. The favorable transport connectivity of Municipality of Stara Zagora and the city of Stara Zagora in particular is one of the important advantages of the municipality and is an important factor of its competitiveness. Through the territory of the Municipality of Stara Zagora are passing some important main roads of the republican road network. Infrastructure is at a good level and it creates favorable conditions for the development of the industry in the region. The road and rail infrastructures that have been built give some good opportunities for trade contacts with the countries of Europe and the Middle East.

With its economic, transport, communicational, managerial, scientific, cultural, educational, trade, health and other facilities, it influences the dynamics of the municipality’s development, as well as the overall development of the region of Stara Zagora and the South Central region at NUTS-2 European level.

The Municipality of Stara Zagora is among the most dynamically developing regions and according to various indicators it holds leading positions in the country. The conditions of the labor market are extremely favorable. The volume of the industrial production is high and awards the region with one of the leading positions in the country.

During the year 2020 has been completed the Industrial zone “Zagore”. It has been built in collaboration between the Municipality of Stara Zagora and the State. The creation of the Industrial zone will have a key role in the sustainable development of the entire region. The whole area of the Zone during the first stage of its construction is 115 000 m², divided into 11 slots, each with an area between 4000 and 15 000 m². This Zone gives an opportunity to create new workplaces.

Bulgaria Wants You - Стара Загора - дестинация за бизнес и иновации