Vidin | Bulgaria Wants You


Vidin is the Bulgarian district city which is located in the most Northwestern part of the country. It is located in immediate proximity to the border with the Republic of Serbia, and the Danube River is the border to Romania.
According to the last census of the NSI (National Statistical Institute), at the end of 2019 the population of the town is 40 620 inhabitants.

Today Vidin has holds its dignified place among the tourist destinations along the Lower Danube River.

The economic structure of the district is dominated by the services sector, followed by the agriculture and industrial sector.
Among the few larger companies in the town are LB Bulgaricum EAD, Knauf Bulgaria EOOD, Bdintex EOOD.
In 2018 the district had a GDP per capita, in BGN – 7 926.

The Danube City Garden is the focal point for the town. It has significant architectural monuments – the Vida Theatre, Pazvantoglu Mosque and Library, Telegraph Kapiya, the Turkish Post, the Baba Vida Fortress, archeological and memorial sites, as well as panoramic and observation locations.
Other parks and gardens in the city include the Rova Park, the Vladikina Bahcha Park, the Belite Brezi Park, the Nora Celebi Pizanti Park, Mayski Les Forest Park and the Hunting Park - a forest park near the town.
The suburban recreation areas include the Orlyaka and the Bozhuritsa.

    There is an Emergency Medical Center, Diagnostic and Consulting Center 1 - Vidin, Medical Center „Biomed-99“ EOOD, Medical Center „Zdrave“ EOOD,
    Medical Center „St. Ivan Rilski“ OOD, Multi-Disciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment „St. Petka“ AD, town of Vidin.

    Кариера и живот,[object Object],в България

    Кариера и живот
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