Kyustendil | Bulgaria Wants You


Kyustendil is a town in Southwestern Bulgaria located in the proximity of the border with the Republic of North Macedonia (22km) and the Republic of Serbia (30km), thus turning it into an administrative center of important geostrategic importance. The distance from Kyustendil until the capital of Sofia is 86km.
The region is rich in water resources and known for its unique mineral springs. It is close to Struma River, as the town itself is crossed by Banishtitsa River.
According to an assessment made by the National Statistical Institute, as at 31 December 2019 Kyustendil had a population of 39 284 citizens.

The town is a center of the light and processing industry: wood industring, production of shoes, knitted fabrics, ready-made clothes, children toys, packaging, bread production, printing industry, and tinned food industry. There are enterprises for production of condensers, silo transformers, household and kitchen furnishing, and joinery work. In recent years hotel keeping and tourism have been developing as well. The region has traditions in the field of fruit-growing and trade with fresh and dried fruits. Kyustendil is a center of an agricultural region of century-old traditions in the field of fruit-growing, and hence the town and its proximity are known as the "fruit garden of Bulgaria".
The 2018 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in the region was BGN 9 285.

Лесопарк „Хисарлъка“ се издига се южно от града и е разклонение на планината Осогово. В основата му бликат топли минерални извори. Хисарлъка е красив парк за туризъм, отдих и спорт и е свързан с Кюстендил посредством 3 асфалтирани пътя и много алеи. 

Може да посетите парк „Банска градина“, Зоопарка и Екопарк „Езерата“ , който  представлява две свързани изкуствени езера и парковата зона с площ от 11 декара.

    Здравеопазването в общината се осигурява от МБАЛ „Д-р Никола Василев“, Специализирана болница за рехабилитация и Центъра за спешна медицинска помощ.

    Кариера и живот,[object Object],в България

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