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Career and LifeWhy in Bulgaria

Ondaatje Theatre of the Royal Geographical Society

The event "Career and life - why in Bulgaria?" will visit London in 2024.

The first edition of the forum in the British capital gathered over 2,500 Bulgarians at the Royal Geographical Society, where special guests were Prince Cyril of Saxe-Coburg, the Hollywood actor Dimitar Marinov and the football star Dimitar Berbatov.

We will also be expecting you in the autumn of 2024 in London, where you will have the opportunity to meet representatives of the Bulgarian business, who will present you real job opportunities and successful Bulgarians on the world stage, who will prove by sharing their personal stories that Bulgaria wants you!

With the support of
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Exhibiting employers
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  • SUNOTEC Logo
  • dxc
  • Savimex company logo
  • Huvepharma
  • Biovet company logo
  • PPS Logo
  • Dentaprime
  • Arena Consult
  • Logo_Ministry of Tourism
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