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Power Partner Solutions

1404, Louis Eyer Str. 67, A-12, Sofia

Power Partner Solutions

Power Partner Solutions (PPS) is a leader on the Bulgarian market in the development, implementation and support of SAP products, considering SAP is one of the biggest companies on global scale, producing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. 

As an SAP Gold Partner, Power Partner Solutions unites more than 50 SAP business consultants with experience across over 16 markets. The core PPS team are IT professionals, having built their carreers successfully abroad. The company projects for SAP implementation are expanding also outside Bulgaria and currently PPS is working with leading companies in the U.S., Germany and Romania. This defines it as one of the fastest growing IT firms in the country. 

Power Partner Solutions is the first company, having implemented SAP S/4 HANA Public Cloud, as well as SAP Sales and Service Cloud, not only in Bulgaria, but also across the region. This defines it as an innovative company, aligned with the SAP latest developments, and makes sure the final product is compliant with the local legal regulations, and the business needs. 

The Power Partner Solutions team meets the challenges of insufficient IT SAP experts, by creating new ones via the IT Metamorphosis academy.  

IT Metamorphosis is a platform for professional qualification and transformation from any business sphere into the IT world. It gives the opportunity for a new, more prosperous professional development, regardless your prior background and expereience.  

The IT Metamorphosis courses can turn you into a SAP user, SAP business consultant or a SAP developer, and they take place in convenient time-frame and format, led by internationally renowned lectors. The academy also contains a lot of practical exercises to make sure you are ready for the real work environment. 

The best participant may get a job proposal by Power Partner Solutions or by a partner company.


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