
19.09.2020 г.

Bulgaria wants you - Ден на кариерата и официално откриване на първия ни офис в Пловдив

Bulgaria Wants You - Офис Пловдив
  • The first of a number of upcoming events on Bulgaria Wants You platform across the country took place on Saturday, September 19, at Plovdiv Plaza Mall.
    The host of the career day was Andrey Arnaudov, who told more about the platform and marked the official opening of the first office of Bulgaria Wants You in Plovdiv.
    The HR specialist and our co-founder Georgi Parvanov presented information on the current status of the labor market in Europe and in Bulgaria, and the financier Vladimir Karolev gave invaluable advice on how to create and attract opportunities for realization in your personal and professional life.
    The guests of the event also saw a demonstration job interview with the producer Andrey Arnaudov, who gave valuable instructions and recommendations for our behavior during a meeting with a future employer.
    Do not miss the next events of Bulgaria Wants You "Life and career - why in Bulgaria?"
  • 03.10 - Varna, Festival and Congress Center
  • 16.10 - Plovdiv, Grand Hotel Plovdiv